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Foundation Phase



Promotion Requirements for Grade 1 – 3


Adequate Achievement (Level 4) (50%-59%) in one official language at Home Language level.

Moderate Achievement (Level 3) (40%-49%) in the second required official language at First Additional Language level.

Moderate Achievement (Level 3) (40%-49%) in Mathematics.

It is very important to note that all these requirements must be met for a learner to progress to the next grade.


Codes and Percentages

Assessment Weighting for Grade 1 – 3


Every subject is sub-divided into divisions for example in Languages in Grd R – 3:


  • Listening and Speaking

  • Reading and Phonics

  • Handwriting

  • Writing


Each sub-division is weighted and does not count the same percentage.  Reading and Phonics is calculated as a much higher percentage than Handwriting.  This applies to all subjects. Please do not add all the marks together and try and calculate a Term Percentage. The calculation will not be the same as the report.

All weightings have been programmed into our Report Programme and the calculations are done automatically.


The focus of assessment within Phys.Ed. falls into two broad categories:


  • Participation: exposes learners to an understanding of the value of regular participation in physical activity. Participation should encourage further development, enjoyment and the building of confidence.

  • Movement performance: each learner will be assessed at the level at which they are capable of performing. Movement performance must not encourage a sense of competition.

011 704 3088

©2022 by Sharonlea Primary School.

Maintained by M Needham

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